On Thursday I went to see
Star Wars, Episode II: Attack Of The Clones...not a terrible, terrible movie but clearly not a good one. Yesterday I watched two movies that fared better:
The Importance Of Being Earnest and
Murder By Numbers. The latter was pretty much a standard, good-police-people-have-to-discover-and-track-down-the-bad-people type; not bad.
T.I.O.B.E. was fairly enjoyable; there are a lot of very funny bits and it's worth a watch if you've read the play or even if you haven't (Susan hadn't read it, but she really liked the movie).
Uh, well then...what else? Um, I'm preferably going to start sending in my acceptance of a university offer sometime this weekend; who knows? I also have to figure out what the @#*$ I'm doing for my English panel discussion. . . .
There are only four more days of classes left for me. That means there are exactly
10 more classes left. Oh dear God. I've had 13 years and now there are only four short days left.
What the hell do I do now?? Gaaah.
Hmm. Well maybe then I'd at least have some time (oh wait...after exams, that is) to actually read some sort of book. I still have to finish
The Edge Of Reason so I can give it back to AT and giving
The Clan Of The Cave Bear to Evelyn for her birthday has reminded me that it's been a really, really long time since I read it and loved it way back in Grade 8......
Well, we'll see what happens. Everything is so uncertain all the time. It's exhausting sometimes.